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Blog 15: SanMao Joins The Army

One of the films I am going to analyse in my dissertation is "SanMao Joins The Army" (1992). This film is the highest-rated film in Douban's war film category from the 1990s. This delightful comedy is based on the popular cartoon series of the same name by writer Zhang Le Ping and produced by Shanghai Film Studio. It offers a unique perspective on the Second Sino-Japanese War, presenting the conflict through the eyes of a child protagonist and infusing it with humour.

"SanMao Joins The Army" is a fictional comedy film that draws inspiration from Zhang Le Ping's well-known comic strip. The film combines elements of historical context with imaginative storytelling to create an engaging narrative that appeals to a wide range of audiences. Its focus on a child's perspective adds a refreshing and sometimes satirical take on the war genre, allowing viewers to experience the events through innocent eyes.

"SanMao Joins The Army" received an overwhelmingly positive response from over 90000 audiences on Douban*, with a remarkable 91% of viewers rating it as "Good." Many of the comments highlighted the film as the pinnacle of Chinese black humour. One notable example of the film's black humour can be found in its opening scene, where a tongue-in-cheek statement asserts, "This film is entirely non-fictional, and would be honoured if there were any similarities."

The film was produced in 1992, which places it in the post-reform era of Chinese cinema. It was a period marked by increasing diversity in storytelling styles and a shift towards more commercially oriented productions. "SanMao Joins The Army" exemplifies this trend by incorporating elements of comedy to appeal to a broader audience. The film's remarkable success and high rating on Douban testify to its popularity and ability to resonate with viewers in present-day China. Many comments on Douban express fondness for the film, with some viewers even mentioning that it was one of their favourite childhood movies and others recalling watching it in their classrooms. These observations indicate that the film embodies its nature as a humorous and child-oriented film and serves as an educational tool for the state. The widespread popularity of the film further reinforces its impact and effectiveness in conveying its intended messages.

"SanMao Joins The Army" offers several captivating highlights, making it a fascinating film for analysis. One notable highlight is its seamless blending of comedy with the seriousness of war, resulting in a refreshing viewing experience. The film skillfully navigates sensitive historical events by infusing them with humour, making the subject matter accessible and entertaining for audiences. Additionally, the film stands out as a mime, a silent film accompanied by joyful or hyper background music. This unique production style, especially within the context of an anti-Japanese war film, sets it apart from others in the genre.

The film's exceptional popularity is a testament to its success. Its ability to gain widespread appeal lies in its ability to present the war in a fresh and easily digestible manner, making it more accessible to a general audience. The use of humour and the incorporation of elements suitable for children also suggests that the film served as a tool for propaganda and education, delivering its messages effectively.

* Douban is a popular Chinese social networking service that allows users to rate and review various forms of media, including movies. Chinese audiences often use it to share their opinions and recommendations with others. It is generally considered to be a reliable source of movie reviews and ratings in China. It is one of the most widely used platforms for this purpose, and its user base includes a diverse range of individuals with varying tastes and preferences. Additionally, Douban has measures in place to prevent fake reviews and maintain the integrity of its rating system.

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