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Blog 10: Calligraphy

This piece of calligraphy, titled "臥龍鳳雛" (がりょうほうすう), is a beautiful work of art exhibited at the "Japanese Nature and the Spirit of Calligraphy Exhibition." It is part of a collection of 200 selected works by Japanese calligraphers commemorating the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The calligraphy was created by Ozaki Yuho (尾崎邑鵬), who was born in Tokyo in 1924. Ozaki was deeply devoted to the calligraphy of Zhang Ruitu (Ming Dynasty) and Jin Dongxin (Ching Dynasty) in China, and his works reflect his passion for Chinese calligraphy.

The meaning of this chengyu or yojijukugo, a traditional Chinese idiomatic expression or "four-character idiom," is very significant. The characters "臥" and "龍" represent a prone dragon, while "鳳" and "雛" represent phoenix chicks. The phrase is used to describe an outstanding person who has yet to be known to the public and a young man with a promising future, respectively. The term also implies that people who have the ability but lack opportunities may remain unknown to the public until they are given a chance to shine.

In this piece of calligraphy, Ozaki refers to young Japanese athletes as "Prone dragon and phoenix chicks." He uses this yojijukugo to inspire and encourage these young athletes to show their talents to the world during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

One unique aspect of this calligraphy is the signature and seal (落款), found on the left side of the central calligraphy. The signature and seal read 「資治通鑑 漢献之中紀曰 孔明之為臥龍士元之為鳳雛 邑鵬書」, which means "Zizhi Tongjian records in the Han dynasty that Zhuge Kongming was a prone Dragon, and Peng Tong Shi Yuan was a phoenix chick - written by Ozaki" followed by his seal.

Zizhi Tongjian is a pioneering reference work in Chinese historiography, covering 16 dynasties and spanning almost 1400 years of Chinese history, published in 1084 AD during the Northern Song dynasty.

This piece of calligraphy is striking, not only because of its aesthetic appeal but also because of the way it connects with the history and culture of China and Japan. Ozaki's work showcases the beauty of traditional Chinese calligraphy and its impact on Japanese art. The use of the yojijukugo to inspire young athletes is a powerful message, demonstrating how language and culture can motivate and encourage people to achieve their goals.

This calligraphy piece is a testament to the power of art and language to connect people across time and cultures. It reminds us of the importance of preserving and celebrating our cultural heritage and how it can inspire future generations.

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